Cruise vessels list - Realstar

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Cruise vessels list

We have already installed our dry-cleaning machines on many cruise vessels :

Celebrity Solstice
Celebrity Equinox
Celebrity Elicpse
Celebrity Silhouette
Celebrity Reflection
Disney Dream
Disney Fantasy
Norwegian Breakaway
Norwegian Gataway
Quantum of the Sea
MSC Lirica
MSC Opera
MSC Musica
MSC Orchestra
MSC Poesia
MSC Fantasia
MSC Splendida
MSC Magnifica
MSC Divina
MSC Preziosa
Mega Yacht Serene!

and many others to come.........

 Realstar srl  

Via Verde 7/d - 40012 Calderara di Reno (Bologna) Italy

Phone +39/051/722587

Fax   +39/051/723967

 P.IVA IT00577931207
codice SDI M5UXCR1
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